Emma Krgo
Emma Krgo
Sophia Witte: Why IB Art?
Emma Krgo: To be honest, I did not plan on taking IB Art. I wanted to take history or music theory, but when scheduling conflicts prevented me from doing this, I decided to give IB Art a try since I had enjoyed the fundamentals class. Although it was a little disappointing at first, I am so grateful for this scheduling conflict because I have become a much better artist since I enrolled in IB Art and it is now one of my favorite classes.
SW: How long have you been artistic?
EK: I have always been artistic, but most of my involvement has been in music. My involvement and interest in the visual arts has grown since enrolling in IB Art.
SW: In IB Art, what has been your biggest challenge? Why?
EK: My biggest challenge in IB Art has been keeping up with deadlines. IB Art is far more independent than standard art electives: you have the freedom to work in any medium and create whatever you want. Although this lack of constraints is part of what makes IB Art so enjoyable, it also means that you have to motivate yourself and dedicate time to your work outside of class. As someone who is detail-oriented, it is easy for me to get caught up in minor details and waste time that I could be dedicating to additional pieces. This is in part caused by the low sense of urgency that distant deadlines create. However, as I have progressed through this course, I have become better at managing my time as an artist.
SW: How does IB Art compare to other art classes (if applicable)?
EK: Taking IB Art allows you to join a community of people who are more serious about the arts than the average fundamentals class. As an artist, being surrounded by motivated people has inspired me to improve my craft. In addition, I have the opportunity and resources to pursue projects that are meaningful to me. Unlike in other art classes, after the first semester, there are no specific assignments. You are free to create your own portfolio.
SW: What hopes do you have for your portfolio once submitted to IB? Why?
EK: During its creation, I aimed to create an exhibition that was meaningful to me and that I could be proud of. Now that I have accomplished this, I hope that once submitted to IB, I earn a high score. Although I will take pride in my work regardless, it would be nice for my efforts to be rewarded with a certificate in the course and the knowledge that I did a good job.

SW: What piece are you most proud of?
EK: Ruke