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Making a Comeback

Three West High Graduates share why they are back
Making a Comeback
Jackson McNally, Senior Year
Mr. McNally

Jackson McNally teaches U.S. history and is an assistant coach for the boys’ swim team. He graduated from the University of Iowa.

McNally says, “I  learned the value of friendship and teamwork through extracurricular activities like swim team, marching band, and National Honor Society.” After graduating from West, he wasn’t sure what he wanted to do, he just knew he wanted his bachelor’s degree.

After spending weeks switching his major, he finally settled on history. “I wanted to come back and serve the community that served me so well when I was a student.” Being a teacher was never in his plans, but we’re all very grateful he decided to come back to West!

“Mr. McNally always made learning fun and he knows how to put smiles on everyone’s faces no matter what they’re going through,” said one of McNally’s previous students, Aebry Caughron.


Jackson McNally, Senior Year (Courtesy of 2015 West yearbook )
Ben Hirdler, Senior Year
Mr. Hirdler

Ben  Hirdler is a counselor and IHSSA couch at West High. He graduated from the University of Northern Iowa.

Mr. Hirdler says, “One of my core memories of high school is Dr. Pappas, just telling us to get involved. As a freshman and sophomore, I was like, that’s stupid. But then I started doing things, I became more openminded, and that has benefitted me.”

After Hirdler graduated from West, he wasn’t entirely sure of what he wanted to do. He started majoring in English to become an English teacher, but realized after his field experience, it wasn’t for him.

After graduation, Hirdler still led theatre, so he was often still at west. He applied at Holmes middle school in Cedar Falls, and “fell in love with the counseling office.”

Hirdler felt so drawn to come back as a counselor at West because it was a way for him to “serve his community” and the opportunity to work here felt like “several passions interlining.”

“As a coach for IHSSA, he’s one of the most fun directors I’ve had in a long time. My high school experience wouldn’t be the same without him,” said by Anders Elliot-Ott, a sophomore at West, involved in speech and theater.



Ben Hirdler, Senior Year (Courtesy of 2015 West Yearbook)
Matko Sabic, Senior Year
Mr. Sabic

Matko Sabic is an English teacher at West High. He graduated from the University of Northern Iowa.

Mr. Sabic had always planned on becoming an English teacher, but he never planned to return to West. “I always joked about the fact that I would come back as a teacher to ruin my teachers’ lives, but I never thought it would actually come true. ” Mr. Sabic says West was a comfortable, familiar place, where he could be himself!

Mr. Sabic said that graduating from West was a special experience because of all the teachers who showed they cared about him as a person, rather than just grades. ” I did well in academics, but it was really the teachers who challenged and questioned me into being a better person, not just a better student.”

“He’s real, like honest. Doesn’t sugar coat things and is willing to help. He’s funny sometimes too that always helps.” said Melakhi Hickey, a junior at West.

Matko Sabic, Senior Year (Courtesy of 2015 West Yearbook )
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About the Contributor
Layla Shannon
Layla Shannon, Reporter
Layla Shannon is a sophomore at West High and this is her 1st year on staff. Outside of school, she enjoys traveling, concerts, and studying psychology. In her free time, she’s usually with her family, or working a shift at Chick-fil-A!
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