Chad Kacher is the father of Payton Kacher, a wrestler, and sophomore at West High. Chad is one of those people who everyone loves and looks up to. He has attended every wrestling meet in the past two years and has had a lasting impact on the team, creating close connections with the wrestlers. Not only has he had an impact on the wrestlers, but Chad also had an impact on the wrestling cheerleaders; always hyping us up, cracking jokes, and more. Our connection became so close that the cheerleaders started calling him our “unofficial” official cheer manager.
Chad has every quality you want and looks for in a person. One thing he is known for is how comedic he is; he can make everyone die of laughter in a matter of minutes. Even on those early Saturday mornings when everyone is tired and dreading the day, seeing him walk through the door lets you know it is going to be a good day and it immediately puts a smile on your face. Payton, his son, describes this by saying “Everywhere I go, he goes and all the past teams I’ve been with have always loved him, especially wrestlers. He’s always willing to help anyone out in wrestling or outside in life. He makes everyone feel awesome.”
Chad is a very caring person who deeply, and genuinely, cares about everyone in his life. Tayler Beebe-Cayler, a senior at West High, has been the wrestling manager for the last two years and has also looked up to him. On the day of the wrestling senior night, neither of her parents were able to come and walk with her. She asked Chad to and, without a second thought, he said yes.”He keeps me entertained during wrestling and he is like another dad to me” Says Beebe-Cayler. She even ended up including him in her senior night bio, saying that her favorite memory of being a manager was meeting Chad.

Chad Kacher is a very compassionate person. He recognizes the struggles of others and gives them the best advice to help them overcome them. He is the kind of person who is straightforward with people. He is always going to be honest with you and will always answer your question with the truth, not what you want to hear. Chad is very optimistic, he’s always going to look on the bright side of things and hope it works out but if it doesn’t he knows it’s not the end of the world. Chad is very observant. He is going to notice if someone is tired, sad or just seems off and is going to take time out of his day to make sure everything is okay.
While that is how other people see Chad, his son, Payton, sees him in a more admirable light; he strongly looks up to his dad. Reflecting on some qualities of Chad that make him who is he, Payton said “My dad is funny, cool, awesome, great, smart, artistic, strategist, amusing, disciplined, intelligent, etc. But what sticks out most is how comedic he is, how strategic he is and how caring he is. My dad will care about the smallest and biggest things from you. It could be the reason why you spell your name with an e rather than an a to the amount of effort you put into your life. My dad’s here to make everyone better!” Chad makes everyone feel welcome and treats everyone like family. Chad truly is THE dad.